Ella Hippel, Warriors Reporter
About the author: I've been a football fan for a long time. When I turned ten, I had a TCU themed birthday party where I watched a TCU game live with my friends. My family can tell you just how much time I spend listening to Sports Radio 610 and on the ESPN app. I can talk for hours about the Houston Texans and just how many times they've broken my heart (It's a lot). It's pretty clear that I was and still am obsessed with the sport and that's one of the reasons I joined a cheer team two years ago. I already loved watching and attending football games. Why not be right there on the sidelines where it's my job to do what I love: root for my favorite team? As a Warriors cheerleader, I've witnessed a homeschool football team go above and beyond expectations. It's been an amazing experience being there on the sidelines watching them get to the National Championship two years in a row. Now, I'm going to write about them. This season I'm excited to create content about the team in addition to my role as a sideline cheerleader. I'm very thankful for this opportunity and I hope to represent the Warriors well off the field in addition to on the field.