Get to Know Your Eighth Graders Part 6: Logan Spann
About the Author: Claire Alderson
I interviewed eighth grader Logan Spann for the sixth part of our Get to Know the Eighth Graders series.
Claire: Do you have a pregame routine?
Logan: I eat a protein bar and I drink some Gatorade.
Claire: What do you listen to pregame?
Logan: Metal, like core metal, probably.
Claire: What positions do you play?
Logan: Weakside Linebacker and Fullback.
Claire: What do you enjoy about those positions?
Logan: It allows me to get more tackles and work on my blocking so I can protect more, or just take away.
Claire: How long have you been a part of TCW?
Logan: I’d say seven months, or six months. I’m not sure.
Claire: What teammates stand out to you as football players?
Logan: Everyone really. They’re all good football players. Maddox is really good.
Claire: Do you have a favorite TCW related memory?
Logan: My first time getting a play.
Claire: Do you have any football nicknames?
Logan: French Fry. There’s this player we call him Big Mac and we’re friends so he calls me French Fry, ‘cause you can’t have a Big Mac without French Fries.
Claire: Where is your favorite place to eat after a game?
Logan: Home or Chipotle.
Claire: Do you have any hobbies other than football?
Logan: Airsoft on the side.
Claire: What is you favorite color?
Logan: Black.
Claire: What is you favorite school subject?
Logan: History
Claire: What do you love about football?
Logan: It’s fun. It gives you good exercise. It’s legal to hurt someone.
Claire: What do you love about your team?
Logan: They’re all good people, and it allows me to grow in my faith to God, while hurting people.