About the Author: Claire Alderson

On September 14th, the Tomball Christian Junior High football team celebrated their first win against Tulsa Noah. Our Junior High’s offense had four touchdowns, and our defense was tough. The Junior High team played very well. This game has shown the team’s consistent improvement from the beginning of the season.

Offensively, we scored several times. Early in the game, we had a 48 yard touchdown pass from Quarterback Jayden Rollins to Maddox Obregon, who dodged the opponents and then out ran the defenders. Later in the game, Quarterback Charlie Harrison threw a 30 yard touchdown pass to Dylan Frank. Harrison also threw a 44 yard touchdown pass to Drake Olson. We kept the ball steadily moving forward and consistently converted on third down.

On defense, athlete Santiago Marroquin, Jeremiah Hernandez, and Izahia Carias led a stingy Warrior defense. Charlie Harrison played very well as an Outside Linebacker. The Warrior’s Defense benefited greatly from having Marroquin back from an ankle injury that took him out for several weeks. Drake Olson had a goal line interception, shutting down what appeared to be a scoring drive.

The final score was 20-6. The athletes battled throughout the game and made the most of every opportunity. The Offense played hard, and the Defense held their ground. We also recovered an onside kick, kicked by Jace Robbins and recovered by Christopher Hill. We fought hard and achieved both our first win and our highest scoring game of the season.

After the game, I had the opportunity to interview two players. First, I interviewed returning player, eighth grader, and Captain, Santiago Marroquin after his first game back from an ankle injury.

Claire: What was it like coming back from an injury that took you out?

Santi: It was awesome. I was good. It felt so good. I was a little scared.

Claire: Are you happy with how you played tonight?

Santi: Yeah. Except for a few missed tackles, but it’s alright. It happens.

Claire: What would you like to work on personally?

Santi: Probably just getting faster, cutting and running.

Claire: What do you think you did well?

Santi: Probably just defense all around.

Claire: What specific plays do you think highlighted your skills the most this game?

Santi: I believe a few tackles in the back field on defense.

Claire: Who do you think excelled today at the game?

Santi: All of the line that’s all I’m gonna say. All of the O-line.

I also interviewed starter Cole Cummings, who is also a former Tulsa NOAH player.

Claire: What was it like playing against your former teammates?

Cole: It felt very revengeful I’d say. Nostalgic and angering all at once.

Claire: Was it easier or harder playing against your former team and why?

Cole: Way easier. Partially because they’re a young team, and partially because I know them and their little quarks.

Claire: What other players do you think excelled at the game?

Cole: I’d have to say Jeremiah Hernandez, Izahia [Carias], Santi [Marroquin], Charlie [Harrison], and Christian Teter.

Claire: What do you think you did well?

Cole: Probably just defense all around.

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